Tapada do Castelo is a farm land that we desire to turn into a protected wildlife site. It is undergoing an experimental project of Ecosystem recovery which involves reforestation, increase of plants bio-diversity, protection of the fauna and flora, and integrated regenerative farming or loving food production experiments.
This programme involves several projects for which the following tasks are required:
- Design and planning
- Inventory and monitoring of the flora & fauna
- Implementation of the project
- Monitoring progress (plant growth, seeds and fruit harvesting)
- Documenting and sharing
Soil microbiology lab
We have the project to set up a soil microbiology laboratory on the land to support the various food production projects and support the community to turn into more loving and ethical farming practices. We hope to have it operating in summer 2024, as soon as we get the building set up (pending authorization of the Council).
Tapada do Castelo’s property is made of 3 parcels separated by dry stones walls and 4 zones with specific ecosystems and various degrees of natural environmental recovery (see photo below). Zone 5 is made of the hedges of the property. Zone 6 is a small abandoned lot on the other side the the road.

Presentation of the programme
Here is an overview of the overall project. It is composed of 6 different ecosystems recovery experimental projects over a total of 6 different zones:
Each zone has a particular vegetation cover, being in its own stage in the natural environmental recovery process. There has been a massive fire in 2002 & occasional animal grazing in zone 1 until a year ago. No other activity the harvesting chestnuts once a year has been recorded on other parcels.
Zone 1: Pristine Forest Project

Zone 2: High Diversity Forest Project

Zone 3: Ecosystem Recovery & Food Production Project

Zone 4: Nut Trees Forest Project

Zone 5: Windbreak Hedges Project

Monitoring of the flora and fauna on the land
We want to identify and document the local flora and fauna each year (by season) passing by to observe the change over the years.
Here is the inventory of existing trees and shrubs on August 2022:
What has already been done?
Between November 2022 and January 2023:
- Marking & implementation of Z3 design on the land
- Seeding of 270m or 30.000 seeds of 125 varieties of native recovery herbs, shrubs and trees
- Seeding of 120m of main and secondary fruit trees crops
- Design and planting of 44m of windbreak hedges in Z2 & Z3
How can you help?
- Donate to support multiple soil sampling lab analysis, purchase of natives seeds of herbs, shrubs and trees for all zones and overall planting equipment & materials.
- Volunteer to help in the following areas : design, seed sorting, seed database building, foraging for local seeds and cuttings, planting, future seeds harvesting and documenting in photos, videos and documents
- Follow up of ecosystem recovery status & food production every 6 month
- Inventory of flora & fauna (birds & animals & insects) and updating each year